Science’s Path From Myth to Multiverse(Steven Weinberg...

Science’s Path From Myth to Multiverse(Steven Weinberg...

Science’s Path From Myth to Multiverse

(Steven Weinberg interviewed by Quanta Magazine).

In his latest book, To Explain The World - The Discovery of Modern Science, the Nobel Prize winner Steven Weinberg (co-discoverer of Electroweak interaction a substantial part of the Standard Model) explores how science made the modern world, and where it might take us from here.

Actually I didn’t read the book yet, though I’ll do sooner than later, but I recommend to read this interview that includes some very interesting insights about modern physics, cosmology, particle physics, string theory… i.e all those aspects that he does not touch on the book, but to which we have come thanks to the evolution of Physics and Astronomy from the Greeks to Newton in the early eighteenth century, the specific topics and the portion of the History of Science dealing in his book.